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Women & Marriage

Nancy Wilson

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Women & Marriage

Nancy Wilson


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  • Women & Marriage

    This set of talks was originally recorded in the year 19-something. The sound quality was less than desirable, so we asked Mrs. Wilson to re-record it. She graciously agreed. We're quite sure you'll be delighted with this new version. Marriage is designed to be challenging, and this series of talks focuses on a wife's responsibilities within a godly marriage. It explains the nature of respect, the effectiveness of communication, family fruitfulness, and how men think. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Respecting Husbands

    2. Communication

    3. Keeping Short Accounts

    4. Protecting the Sexual Relationship

    5. Fruitfulness

    6. How Men Think

  • Women & Marriage

    This set of talks was originally recorded in the year 19-something. The sound quality was less than desirable, so we asked Mrs. Wilson to re-record it. She graciously agreed. We're quite sure you'll be delighted with this new version. Marriage is designed to be challenging, and this series of talks focuses on a wife's responsibilities within a godly marriage. It explains the nature of respect, the effectiveness of …

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