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Canon Press Audio Presents

The Audio Highlight Reel

Fiery debates, life-changing seminars, practical workshops, and the “best of” conferences, sermons, and audiobooks. At Canon Press, we’re gospel outfitters: no matter who you are or what you do, you’re called to be increasing in faithfulness. That’s because Jesus’s death and resurrection changed everything: All of Christ, for all of life, for all the world.

Reviews from All of Life
  • "The free content in this feed is a tremendous blessing; it's often dense and will totally wreck you or raise your aspirations to new heights."

    Pass the conch, Piggy

  • "This is great! I love each episode, it’s basically all the good stuff that Christians need to hear about living in the word."

    Tiny Poll

  • "Best resources on the Christian worldview."


    Postmill Domesticity

    Bekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic are two sisters getting together for a weekly coffee date (in the car) to chat about whatever issues happen to occur to them. They cover the waterfront of topics from confessing sins to sorting the laundry to what books they’re reading at the moment. Unscripted and unfiltered, these two NSA alums invite you to join them for a chat about what have you.

    Reviews from Sisters
    • "Warning: You will come away yearning to bake a pie, master sourdough, or delve into fiber arts. They will win you over with their colorful tales of domesticity as much as their commitment to practically living out God’s commandments to women. Any Christian woman who wants to bless her family and challenge her mind while laughing along the way must listen to this podcast!"


    • "The first time I listened to this podcast I started laughing out loud while feeding my newborn baby. I haven't stopped listening ever since. This podcast encourages me so much on how to be faithful with what I'm given. How to glorify God in the way I cook dinner, employ my creative efforts, relate to my husband and raise my child. The biggest things and the seemingly little things. I love it most because it encourages me to get out there and "Do" especially in a season of my life where painful circumstances are out of my control. It has given me tangible ways of being faithful and encouragement in my walk with God."


    • "This podcast has been so influential in my life. Adjusting my attitude away from me and towards the God I love and serve has been game changing in my family. I have laughed myself to tears so many times. I have learned and relearned so much truth. I have been able to filter through the lies of the world so much easier. And I have gotten to work! Get out of the way, and do what God has called you to do! And listen to the podcast, it’s the most fun!"


    • "Just two sisters chatting about life, Christianity, parenting, cooking and baking! I love the variety of topics they discuss. It has motivated me to really delve into working hard at homemaking and reading the Bible! I love the encouragement to do both!"


    • "This podcast is so wonderful. They make me want to be a better mom and wife, and take joy in things that I frequently find drudgery. I love their selfless attitude about life and work serving your family, and they way they always have Scripture on the tips of their tongues."


    • "I have been listening to podcasts for at least 4-5 years and have never found one so refreshing. Your banter and tips make my day, but most importantly, your solid grasp of the gospel and it’s application has truly been so formative in my walk with Christ in the short period I have been listening!"


    • "This is my lifeline. Legitimate giggling, or belly laughing my way through lonely or difficult times in my day. Getting to listen in on conversations between these two sisters is such a gift. It inspires me, challenges me, encourages me and kills me. Just feel like I’m hanging out with a couple of besties who know who they are, know who Jesus is and what He has called them to. So thankful."


    • "These sisters will have you laughing, repenting, praying, googling things you’ve never heard of, and reading more of your Bible in no time! This gets me through hours of dishes and laundry. I can’t get enough of their honest rebukes and hilarious anecdotes."


    • "Never met these ladies, but they feel like the Jesus-loving older sisters I never had! If you’re looking for countercultural, biblical talk on how to love mom-life and do it excellently, take a listen here. I stroll with my six-month-old while catching up on episodes, and I often have to tamp down the giggles so the neighbors don’t think I’m crazy."


    • "These girls have changed my life in so many ways! I’ve gone back and listened to almost all recordings, it’s that good! I’ve learned to laugh and myself, enjoy the Bible and I let God all while listening in on these sisterly conversations on burnt dinners, grouchy attitudes, and humbling velveta recipes. And more than anything I have learned that even I can choose joy no matter what my emotions are trying to drag me into."


      Theology & Culture, Book Recommends, and Harmatiology

      In the Plodcast, pastor Douglas Wilson covers anything related to theology and culture with his usual entertaining style. Whether it involves talking about Chestertonian Calvinism (not an oxymoron), the benefits of a Classical Christian education (not in that order), or the latest pomosexuality farce, the plodcast aims to apply all of Christ to all of life, for all the world. Douglas Wilson is an evangelical, postmill, Calvinist, Reformed, and Presbyterian (pretty much in that order) and is politically to the right of Jeb Stuart.

      Reviews from Plodders
      • "Vitamins & Supplements. For your deficiencies in cultural discernment, low levels of edifying reading material, and gross negligence of sin in its many forms. Must be chewed. Repeat as necessary."

        Jael's Tentpeg

      • "Thank you, Doug, for making my commute all the more worth while."


      • "I listened to almost all of these while painting my house. You don’t have to agree with everything someone believes and says to get a lot out of their stuff. Great podcast. I mean PLOD. Plodcast."


      • "Auditory Chicken Soup. Pastor Douglas Wilson uses Occam's razor with surgical precision in diagnosing our culture."

        Oprag's The Butler Character

      • "Who needs brain training games. I am certainly more learned after listening, and he always keeps the podcast relevant to current issues yet historically and Biblically grounded. Bravo!"


      • "I really enjoy this podcast. I get a wealth of information presented in way that is easy to understand in a brief podcast."

        A. Henion

      • "This is an excellent podcast. I love each section, Current Events, Hamartiology, and Book Discussion. I've also taken on the need to have the slow and steady pace in my own life. That insight alone has taken stress away and at the same time I've been far more productive."


      • "Great, accessible theological and cultural commentary."


      • "Fresh and Relevant. Three segments by Douglas Wilson covering a Biblical perspective on a contemporary issue, a book recommendation, and a quick study on sin. All woven together with some soulful tunes. This podcast is just the right size. It is a brief deep dive that will get you thinking about important things that you can apply to your daily plod."

        Jason W Miller

        Theology that Bites Back

        I want to advance a Chestertonian Calvinism on education, sex and culture, theology, politics, book reviews, postmodernism, expository studies, along with other random tidbits that come into my head. In theology I am an evangelical, postmill, Calvinist, Reformed, and Presbyterian, pretty much in that order. In politics, I am slightly to the right of Jeb Stuart. In my cultural sympathies, if we were comparing the blight of postmodernism to a vast but shallow goo pond, I would observe that I have spent many years on these stilts and have barely gotten any of it on me.

        Reviews Bark Back
        • "Five stars. I’m a law enforcement office and don’t have time to always read Dougs blogs. Listening to them is let’s me hear them anytime I want over and over."


        • "One Of My Must-Listens. I am thoroughly edified by the Biblical analysis of current events, encouraged by the boldness, and delighted by the wordplay. This is my favorite podcast in my feed."

          Resounding Music

        • "As someone recently said, “truth at 100 proof.” Even if I had some disagreements with the positions expressed, which I rarely ever do, the sheer unabashed willingness to say “this is what the Bible says” full stop, is of incredible exemplary value. I think that there are a whole lot of evangelicals (and more) who will feel like they’ve had their first cold water in a desert when they hear Pastor Wilson. The wise restraint (keep listening, you’ll realize it’s there), and chortle-worthy wordsmithy is buttercream icing on the cake.


        • A grand purée of awesome. Wonderful.

          Rev Setty

        • I thoroughly enjoy the audio of Doug’s blog. I’m often pressed for time with having 6 kids and not enough time to read. This podcast lets me listen to Blog and Mablog while I work. Keep up the great work!


        • Politics, Culture, All of Life. A great way to keep up with politics, important cultural conflicts, and to mature in the Christian life.


        • Please keep ‘em coming! I am a homeschooling mom who loves Pastor Wilson’s writing and preaching. Recently, my responsibilities in reading for my instruction of my students have kept me from being able to read all of the blogs I’d like to. Having these blog posts read aloud has remedied that greatly! Thank you all so much! I’m able to hear what Pastor Wilson is saying while doing dishes, laundry, etc."


        • "Gospel with Grit. Love it! "

          Cole Spears

        • "I rarely had the opportunity to sit and read the blog. I’ve loved having the opportunity to follow the blog since it’s podcast launch. Great content and arguments on a variety of positions."


          Seasoned Encouragement for Christian Women

          Join Nancy Wilson, wife to Douglas Wilson, mother to Nate, Bekah, and Rachel, and grandmother to seventeen grandchildren. Each week she discusses the basics of Christian living habits and practice.

          Femina Reviews
          • "Nancy shares wisdom for living out this Christian life with those of us who do not have mothers or grandmothers from whom to draw strength to fight the good fight another day."


          • "Love how Nancy practically tells us how to keep our thought lives out of the gutter!"


          • "I read two of Ms. Wilson’s books and I’m glad there’s now a podcast. Younger Christian women need the older and wiser Christian women to teach them how to go about living out the gospel in everyday mundane. A great first episode, looking forward to listening to many more."


          • "Thank you Nancy for sharing your wisdom. It is gold for those of us who don’t have older women in our lives teaching us these precious truths from their many years of following the Lord. I look forward to your future episodes and expect to be greatly encouraged to persevere in trusting and obeying the Lord."

            Mom Consumer

          • "I have already been so blessed by this podcast! Nancy’s gentle demeanor as she imparts no nonsense wisdom, is a beautiful example of speaking truth in love. She very kindly strips away all of our excuses and cheerfully points us in the right direction. Thank you for taking the time to make this podcast! As a young mom, I have more listening time than reading time and I eagerly look forward to this podcast every week."

            CG Foltz

          • "Nancy has such a sweet encouraging message every time I listen. Wonderful Godly advice for any phase of a Christian woman’s life. I am always challenged and lifted up by her sharing Biblical wisdom. Practical as well with great examples of her own walk with Christ."


          • "Nancy Wilson challenges women to learn to live according to scripture. With a cheerful attitude and practical advice, she shares how God’s Word applies to our everyday life and encourages us to look to Christ for the help and wisdom we need in our various roles as women. Her blog posts and her book, Learning Contentment, have been a blessing to me (and consequently, to my family) over the last several years. And now this podcast provides another way to be challenged and encouraged in our faith. I will be sharing it with all of my friends!"


          • "I have been so blessed by this Podcast and Nancy’s book! What she says is not only convicting, but thankfully also encouraging. She encourages me to be a more godly woman, with easy and clear ways to implement those biblical truths. It is so wonderful that I am also having my daughters listen to it. I would highly recommend that you listening to her podcast and buy The Fruit of Her Hands if you want even more!"


          • Listening to this podcast was like sitting at the feet of a beloved aunt as she spoke Godly truths over me. Now, more than ever, it’s important for women to KNOW what the Bible says about being a woman in fellowship with Christ and what that looks like outwardly and inwardly. Nancy provides the text and context from the Word as well as examples of practical application for women of all ages. Can’t wait to hear more!

            Sweet Jamie Sunshine

            Cultivate the Virtue of Curiosity

            The more broad our loves and interests, the more we have to be grateful to God for. Listen in with host Jake McAtee as he interviews authors, speakers, and other professionals who have shared the best (and worst) of their vocations with Canon Calls.

            Reviews of Canon Calls
            • "Make Wise Choices, Download this Podcast. You won’t regret it."


            • "Jake is an excellent host. He sets his guests up to shine in such a natural way while also offering his own input when the opportunity presents itself. Great pacing throughout each episode. Couldn’t recommend more!"


            • "Good stuff. I really enjoy this podcast. Enjoyable interviews with a wide range of topics. Highly recommend."


            • "Exposure to the Realm of Christian Creativity. The interviews provide insight into the work of many Christians who produce excellent, God-honoring content. This is especially important in an age when we can personalize the media we consume and narrow our exposure. This podcast remedies that by introducing the listener to Christian thinkers and creatives who seek to shape our culture by reflecting the truth of God."

              S. S. Schoenauer

            • "Do you like bacon? Sunsets? Long walks through the Forrest ? Then you will love this podcast. Why? Because those things are great and so is this."


              Hearty Food for Your Kids' Souls

              Best Selling Author N. D. Wilson and Editor Brian Kohl host the Stories Are Soul Food podcast! The podcast that helps feed the right kind of loyalties and shape affection for the first and the greatest Author, Jesus Christ. *This podcast is made possible by support from the Great Homeschool Convention and Canonball Books.*

                Coming Soon

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