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Canon+ is the premier Christian streaming platform.

Unlimited audiobooks, entertainment, and education to fuel your family in Christ.

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Unlimited Christ-centered audiobooks

A growing catalog of family entertainment

Learning & education for the whole family

Get it all with Canon+

Unlimited audiobooks

There’s something for everyone to listen to. Everything for your family in one app.

Your own library

Make a playlist and stream downloaded content across all your devices.

Classes & Courses

Stream courses on practical Christian living.

Exclusive shows, docs, and films

Christendom’s hardest hitting, most edifying shows and movies

& Talks

The best collection of Christian conferences & seminars.

Kids books & shows

Stories are soul food, and we’ve packed Canon+ with good food for your kids.

Stream with the Family

Browse 1500+ titles for the whole family now.
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Instant access to audiobooks for men, women, and kids.

Browse 1500+ titles for the family now.
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Kids Audiobooks and Shows

Browse 1500+ titles for the whole family now.
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We’re cooking up even more content.

The foundation of Canon+ is its massive selection of Christ-centered audiobooks. Thousands of hours of edifying, excellent books that will impact everything, wherever you are in life.

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Enjoy unlimited streaming of the Canon Press complete digital catalog, plus more from best-selling creators and authors. Documentaries, shows, and books are being added weekly. Try to keep up.

Exclusive Christian content, no gate-keepers

Enjoy unlimited streaming of the Canon Press complete digital catalog, plus more from best-selling creators and authors. Documentaries, shows, and books are being added weekly. Try to keep up.

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Canon+ was built to outfit families all over the world with reformation-building content. Your memberships help us reach more people with more Christ-centered content. Join us in this mission.

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Unlimited access to the Canon+ digital catalog.

Includes over 1500+ audiobooks and shows, and more added every week.

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Stream all shows, podcasts, daily bible readings.
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Unlimited audiobooks, video and documentary streaming, and podcasts
Over 1,500 audiobooks, and new content every week.
Movies, documentaries, courses, classics, and kids shows.
Stream all shows, podcasts, daily bible readings.
Access to all content
Library to download content across your devices
Unlimited audiobooks, video and documentary streaming, and podcasts
Over 1,500 audiobooks, and new content every week.
Movies, documentaries, courses, classics, and kids shows.
No commitment, cancel anytime.
Stream free shows, podcasts, daily bible readings.
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Library to download content across your devices
Unlimited audiobooks, video and documentary streaming, and podcasts
Over 1,500 audiobooks, and new content every week.
Movies, documentaries, courses, classics, and kids shows.
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Canon+ Subscribers Reviews

3469+ Ratings • 4.8 Stars
A light of truth amongst the darkness of confusion.
Adam Lombardo • 11/23/2020

What a wonderful resource.

Truly a lifeline in this fallen world.
mommahoot81• 08/08/2022

I never close the app without feeling spurred on in the good works God has given me. The content is scripturally accurate, challenging, and even entertaining. They constantly add to their catalog, and there is something for the entire family in its listing. If you want true biblical teaching and encouragement, then this app is for you. Worth every penny.

 scripturally accurate, challenging, and even entertaining. They constantly add to their catalog, and there is something for the entire family in its listing. This has been such a blessing in my life. I listen to audiobooks and videos while I go about my work at home.  Depending on what I’m listening too, I also let out a chuckle or an, “Oh my…they just said it!”  If you want true biblical teaching and encouragement, then this app is for you. You will not be disappointed.

What a treasure for the family!
Kevin Wolf • 11/26/2020

The young ones live the children's books. The teens love the educational stuff. My wife and I love the family and marriage stuff. So much bang for the buck.

The content is life changing.
Scootin Skaug • 11/13/2020

I and my family have grown closer together because of their work. It’s cheaper than buying a book a month (or close to a nice cup of coffee a month if you do the annual subscription) and you get an immense amount of goodness right here.

Knowing I’ll have truth just an app away
CassidyArent • 11/19/2020

And knowing we live in a time where we may not always be privy to the outspoken truth, I thought it was a wise idea to purchase to access all audio books, lectures, and conferences to listen to by my favorite people. Highly recommend this app!

All this wisdom at my fingertips!
SpeechieSLP • 03/29/2021

My walk with the Lord has improved so much from the ministry of the Wilsons and their kids. I read my Bible more, serve my family better and have a deeper understanding of how to live out my faith in the ways God has called me.

Worth 1000 times the cost!
LorMama • 07/27/2022

Tons of valuable new content added weekly and my saved list grows way faster than I can listen. Everything from classic childrens novels, to Christian biographies, to poignant sermons and podcasts. Incredible content for for our homeschool curriculum as well. I highly HIGHLY recommend!!! Paid for itself our first week!

podcasts. Incredible content for for our homeschool curriculum as well. I highly HIGHLY recommend!!! Paid for itself our first week!

One of those few subscriptions I don't regret.
Brock B.• 11/14/2022

I've gained a lot from the books on biblical marriage, manhood and parenting.  Our kids have enjoyed the audiobooks and audio plays on long drives or quiet times.  The folks at Canon seem like our kind of people - they don't apologize for truth.

Great godly content for your whole family
Peter K. • 11/03/2022

Whether you're riding together as a family in your van, in need of encouragement while doing the dishes, or devotions with the Bible reading challenge. You can stream over 10,000 hours of rich theology or classic literature along with documentaries and all the rest all at one location with no pagan advertising. And it's free from the cancel culture!

Canon+ is the best value on the internet!
Our good. His glory. • 06/08/2022

Are you wondering what is the one place and best source for all things Christian on the internet and which app delivers more value than you even hoped for? It’s Canon+. Solid Christian teaching. Homeschool Resources. A good book to listen to. Great documentaries. Get Canon+.

There is so much high-quality content on this app
Gnat M. • 11/23/2021

it’s worth every penny I pay for the subscription. I’m kind of cheap, so this is the most expensive monthly subscription I have, but it’s probably the last I would drop.

Every time I open the app it adds value to my family.
JoshVanSlyke • 02/11/2021

All of the content is a treasure trove of goodness and they keep adding more!  I really don’t know how we made it this far without having the Canon app all those many years.

Excellent App!
JoshVanSlyke • 02/11/2021

The paid subscription to this app is worth every penny (includes family sharing!) It provides access to books and videos that would cost thousands to obtain otherwise. I recommend it to anyone.

Something for ALL ages & stages of life app.
Oklahombre Farmer Brown • 08/11/2023

Audiobooks, videos, podcasts, and SO much more! Fantastic app!

You need this in your home.
Aaron Osuna • 01/02/2022

Canon Press has amassed over the years a library of content that is simply unmatched in its breadth and depth of biblical faithfulness and application. Best Christian App on the market!

This app is stacked with excellent material.
David and Randie Megan • 11/20/2020

Every Christian should be making use of it to help prepare their souls for the days to come.

I can’t keep up with all the content.
 *shane* • 06/22/2021

Can't get enough. I use it every day to be encouraged in God’s Word and the Christian life. The audio books alone are worth the cost, but the whole app is really outstanding.

Everyday Listening
Crystal Comis • 02/04/2021

There is so much fantastic material on this app that our whole family can listen to good material all day long. It is so encouraging! And, in a time where there is so much ungodly narrative screamed at our faces, what a great source of strength for the fight.

Get it and feast.
newuser941020110903 • 06/22/2021

I have spent the last few years looking for a Christian content app that had depth and breadth. All I found was watered-down fat-free milk discussions that were weak on theological depth and analysis and high-sugar high-caffeine energy drink talks that pump you up for a short while but lead to nowhere. The content at Canon+ is salt-cured smoked meat, marrow, cave-aged cheese and oven-fresh mill stone-ground whole grain bread. Did I mention wine?

Like whisky and jam: Moderation required for best use
drtrb • 01/29/2021

So much good material here that if you can’t be moderate about your intake you will cease to be productive in your calling.

And this is from a Baptist and Premillennialist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Canon+?
How much does Canon+ cost?
Where can I stream Canon+ content?
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What content can I stream on Canon+?