Unlimited Christ-centered audiobooks

A growing catalog of family entertainment

Learning & education for the whole family
Canon+ is the premier Christian streaming platform.
Unlimited audiobooks, entertainment, and education to fuel your family in Christ.
Available on mobile, web, and tv.
Unlimited Christ-centered audiobooks
A growing catalog of family entertainment
Learning & education for the whole family
The foundation of Canon+ is its massive selection of Christ-centered audiobooks. Thousands of hours of edifying, excellent books that will impact everything, wherever you are in life.
Enjoy unlimited streaming of the Canon Press complete digital catalog, plus more from best-selling creators and authors. Documentaries, shows, and books are being added weekly. Try to keep up.
Enjoy unlimited streaming of the Canon Press complete digital catalog, plus more from best-selling creators and authors. Documentaries, shows, and books are being added weekly. Try to keep up.
Canon+ was built to outfit families all over the world with reformation-building content. Your memberships help us reach more people with more Christ-centered content. Join us in this mission.
Unlimited access to the Canon+ digital catalog.
Includes over 1500+ audiobooks and shows, and more added every week.