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Why Secularism Is Boring

Douglas Jones

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Why Secularism Is Boring

Douglas Jones


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  • Why Secularism is Boring

    CRF Lecture Series

    If secularist philosophy were a movie, what would that look like? How would its plot unfold? Who would be its heroes and villains? Answering these and other questions, Douglas Jones explains why Secularism: The Movie would bore audiences to tears and how the rich story of Christianity does the exact opposite.

  • Why Secularism is Boring

    CRF Lecture Series

    If secularist philosophy were a movie, what would that look like? How would its plot unfold? Who would be its heroes and villains? Answering these and other questions, Douglas Jones explains why Secularism: The Movie would bore audiences to tears and how the rich story of Christianity does the exact opposite.

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