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Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

Nancy Wilson

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Virtuous: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

Nancy Wilson


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  • Perfect for book groups or private study, Virtuous walks through fourteen biblical virtues to help women of all ages actively pursue fruitfulness in the knowledge of Christ.

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    This book highlights what the Bible has to say about a Christian woman's highest duty, what it looks like to be a leading woman in one's community, and what it means to pursue virtue when everyone else thinks it's no longer important (all of which together are no small challenge, when we think about it—but of course, we …

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  • Perfect for book groups or private study, Virtuous walks through fourteen biblical virtues to help women of all ages actively pursue fruitfulness in the knowledge of Christ.

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    This book highlights what the Bible has to say about a Christian woman's highest duty, what it looks like to be a leading woman in one's community, and what it means to pursue …

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