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Type and Antitype

Ministerial Conference

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Type and Antitype

Ministerial Conference


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  • Type and Antitype: Seeing Christ in All of Scripture

    Annual Ministerial Conference (2004)

    How we handle the Scriptures is at the heart of what it means to be a faithful minister of the Word. But how do we learn our hermeneutic? Of course, as Christians our desire should be to learn everything important from the Scriptures, and this includes how to learn from the Scriptures. For this reason, this year's conference is dedicated to the important question of typology. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Reading the Old Testament with New Testament Eyes: The Necessity of Typology - Douglas Wilson

    2. A Trinitarian Typology of History: Discerning the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Hebrew History - Jeff Meyers

    3. Destroy This Temple: Typology of the Sanctuary - Peter Leithart

    4. Reading Pictures - Douglas Jones

    5. The Second Adam and the New Eve - Douglas Wilson

    6. My Father Was a Wondering Moralist: How to Hear and Read the Gospels - Jeff Meyers

    7. A Ram Without Blemish: Typology of the Offerings - Peter Leithart

    8. Death and Resurrection of David: Typology and Structure of 1-2 Kings - Peter Leithart

    9. Practicing the Imagination - Douglas Jones

    10. The Da Vinci Code Be Damned: A Typology Reading of Mary Magdalene - Jeff Meyers

    11. Hebrews: A New Testament Deuteronomy - Douglas Wilson

  • Type and Antitype: Seeing Christ in All of Scripture

    Annual Ministerial Conference (2004)

    How we handle the Scriptures is at the heart of what it means to be a faithful minister of the Word. But how do we learn our hermeneutic? Of course, as Christians our desire should be to learn everything important from the Scriptures, and this includes how to learn from the Scriptures. For this reason, this year's conference is dedicated to the …

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