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The Purloined Boy (Book 1) PBK

C.R. Wiley

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The Purloined Boy (Book 1) PBK

C.R. Wiley


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  • The doors were locked and the windows were latched the night the bogeyman kidnapped Trevor.

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    Trevor Upjohn was stolen by bogeys and taken far away to the unearthly kingdom of Superbia. Most kids can't remember where they came from, but Trevor's own memories launch him on a collision course with the grand kitchen of the bogeys, fishers, a guild of humans and their magical tree, a …

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  • C.R. Wiley is a senior contributor to The Imaginative Conservative and a minister living in the Pacific Northwest. His short stories have appeared in The Mythic Circle and Fear and Trembling , and his nonfiction has appeared in Touchstone Magazine , Relevant Magazine Online , and Modern Reformation , and he is the author of Man of the House. The Purloined Boy, Book 1 of the Weirdling …

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