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The Politics of Sodomy

Douglas Wilson

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The Politics of Sodomy

Douglas Wilson


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  • The Politics of Sodomy

    Because our culture has rejected God. He is rejecting us, and the latter is far more significant. This rejection ends with sodomy in the public square. But how are we to counter this judgment? We must avoid carnality in this struggle, but we can never avoid obedience or disobedience in the material realm. The following lectures are included in this set:

    1. The Real Sin of Sodom (Ezekiel 16:49-50)

    2. Not Whether, But Which (Matt. 12:25-30)

    3. Has It Come to That? (2 Cor. 10:3-5)

    4. Remember Lot's Wife (Gen. 13:10-13, 19:1-2, 24-26, Luke 17:32)

  • The Politics of Sodomy

    Because our culture has rejected God. He is rejecting us, and the latter is far more significant. This rejection ends with sodomy in the public square. But how are we to counter this judgment? We must avoid carnality in this struggle, but we can never avoid obedience or disobedience in the material realm. The following lectures are included in this set:

    1. The Real Sin of Sodom (Ezekiel 16:49-50)

    2. Not Whether, …

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