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The Poetic Cosmos Bundle

Canon Press

Add to Cart - $107.70

The Poetic Cosmos Bundle

Canon Press

$107.70 $107.70

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  • NOTE: If you saw the email for this, you may notice books are missing here. The original bundle sold out, so this bundle was modified so you can still give out poetic gold this Christmas.

    Untune the Sky

    It is in the music of the heavens that we all will find our end.

    This noble collection of verse on subjects great and small provides a window into how a Christian writer views the world: there is beauty, there is sorrow, but underneath it all beats the music of the heavens -- and it is in the music of the heavens that we all will find our end. …

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  • NOTE: If you saw the email for this, you may notice books are missing here. The original bundle sold out, so this bundle was modified so you can still give out poetic gold this Christmas.

    Untune the Sky

    It is in the music of the heavens that we all will find our end.

    This noble collection of verse on subjects great and small provides a window into how a Christian writer views the world: there is beauty, there is …

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