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The Poems of Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet

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The Poems of Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet


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  • “A real sense of calm pervades Bradstreet’s poetry. She has genuine affection for the things she writes about, whether that be family, or the vistas of nature, or her husband, or the “pleasant things” lost in the house fire, and so in no way does she come across as a pinched ascetic. But neither does she come across as someone who is in frantic pursuit of worldly goods.” ~From Douglas Wilson’s Introduction

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    Anne Bradstreet came to fame when someone published her poetry as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America . Anne Bradstreet was …

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  • THE CHRISTIAN HERITAGE SERIES: The authors in the Christian Heritage Series paid a high price for the words you see before you. Not all paid with blood, but each spent his life fighting for the truth. This faithful sacrifice has become a rich inheritance for the Church in our day, even though it is often neglected. The Christian Heritage Series aims to put these important theological classics on every Christian’s bookshelf in …

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