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The Paideia of God and Other Essays on Education

Douglas Wilson

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The Paideia of God and Other Essays on Education

Douglas Wilson


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  • Paul requires Christian fathers to provide their children with a "paideia of the Lord." What should that look like?

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    To the ancient world, the boundaries of paideia were much wider than the boundaries of what we understand as education. Far more is involved in paideia than taking the kids to church, having an occasional time of devotions in the home, or even providing the kids with a Christian curriculum.

    In the ancient world, the paideia was all-encompassing and involved …

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  • Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage , Future Men , and How to Exasperate Your Wife .

    AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

    PAGE COUNT: 150 pages

    SIZE: 5.50x8.50"

    ISBN-10: 1885767595

    ISBN-13: 9781885767592

    PUB. DATE: October 1, 1999

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