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The Mantra of Jabez

Douglas Jones

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The Mantra of Jabez

Douglas Jones


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  • Be a kipper for God.

    Look Inside the Book

    Bruce Wilkinson's best-selling book, The Prayer of Jabez , is so popular with Evangelicals it just had to be bad. Wilkinson told us to be "gimpers" for God; Jones shows us how to be kippers for God. In this parody the conservative Christian author allows humor to reveal the more ridiculous assumptions driving the original book.

    Each chapter of the original is turned inside out so that we can really see what's being said. Though the parody is rather ruthless in its humor, it is not hopelessly cynical just for the sake of mockery. It points to a more constructive vision, a vision of Christianity's inherent riches of truth, beauty, and goodness that the original Jabez book passively trivializes. Get this parody for the laughs; get it for something greater.

    What People Are Saying:

    "A mixture of delightful mimicry, Swiftian-strength theological satire, and inspired silliness in the great Monty Python tradition, The Mantra of Jabez (subtitled Break on Through to the Other Side ) is a bracing tonic." -John Wilson, Christianity Today

    AUTHOR: Douglas Jones

    PAGE COUNT: 60 pages

    SIZE: 4.50x6.20"

    BINDING: Paperback

    ISBN-10: 1885767889

    ISBN-13: 9781885767882

    PUB. DATE: June 15, 2001

  • Be a kipper for God.

    Look Inside the Book

    Bruce Wilkinson's best-selling book, The Prayer of Jabez , is so popular with Evangelicals it just had to be bad. Wilkinson told us to be …

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