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The Man in the Dark: A Romance

Douglas Wilson

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The Man in the Dark: A Romance

Douglas Wilson


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  • Finding love is painful when you're crippled by the past.

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    The year 1900 has just come and gone, and Savannah Westmoreland has come to the town of Paradise Valley to start afresh. But when her mysterious new pastor and the town's most powerful businessman both begin to compete for her affection, Savannah realizes that she must face her past once and for all or leave Paradise forever. But there's more to the story—and more danger lurking—than Savannah knows.

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    What People Are Saying:

    "Some books only merit a quick read, others should be slowly savored, and a select few are so good you just have to read them out loud to your wife. This is that third sort!" ~John Dykstra, Reformed Perspective

    Reader Reviews:

    "Easily one of my top favorite fiction books of all time." -Hannah

    "This book was a wonderful read and I enjoyed every page! It was very hard for me to put it down to resume my daily tasks." -Sarah

  • Douglas Wilson has been a pastor for more than forty years and is the author of dozens of books, including the award-winning novel Evangellyfish . The Man in the Dark is his first historical romance novel. Is it his last? It's much too soon to tell.

    Asking yourself why in the world would Douglas Wilson write a romance novel? You're not the only one.

    Watch this Video in which Doug explains: …

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