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The Grace Agenda

Grace Agenda

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The Grace Agenda

Grace Agenda


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  • The Grace Agenda Conference

    All of Christ, For All of Life, For All the World

    The gospel is not just another app on the smart phone of your life. It is not a day-planner especially designed for booking up Sundays, or a useful tool for choosing smiley friends. The gospel is the Truth about this world and its Maker, and it explains and directs every breath you take. Every itch, every scratch, every word, every minute of every planetary twirl we call a day is filled with meaning by its proclamation. It is the Truth, and it is about everything. The grace of this Gospel is the agenda for …

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  • The Grace Agenda Conference

    All of Christ, For All of Life, For All the World

    The gospel is not just another app on the smart phone of your life. It is not a day-planner especially designed for booking up Sundays, or a useful tool for choosing smiley friends. The gospel is the Truth about this world and its Maker, and it explains and directs every breath you take. Every itch, every scratch, every word, every minute of every planetary …

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