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The Dragon and the Raven: The Days of King Alfred

Logos Library

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The Dragon and the Raven: The Days of King Alfred

Logos Library


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  • " Edmund took one more glance at the distant conflict before turning. The swords had well-nigh ceased to rise and fall when he saw a sudden movement in the throng of Danes and suddenly a man burst out from them and started at headlong speed towards him, pursued by a number of Danes… " ~ F rom the book

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    The merciless Danes take advantage of the infighting and mistrust between the Saxon leaders to plunder the English countryside at will. And it is the Saxon commoners who suffer repeatedly, surrendering their possessions and often their lives to the harsh crews of the roving longboats. Young Edmund seeks to help the new king, Alfred, unite the Saxon kingdoms once and for all against the Norsemen—but new tactics are needed. Edmund realizes that the Vikings might be most vulnerable in the one place they have always had complete control: the sea.

    This Logos Library classic paints a picture of the desperate times the Saxons faced and shows the monumental significance of Alfred, England’s greatest Christian king (A.D. 871-899). The Logos Library series presents good stories that Christian kids want to read in a colorful, well-crafted, and affordable way. Unlike many other thrift editions, each book features typesetting and interior design that prioritize readability as well as price.


    IMPRINT: Logos Library

    AUTHOR: G.A. Henty

    PAGE COUNT: 246 pages

    SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

    BINDING: Paperback

    ISBN 10: 1944503447

    ISBN-13: 9781944503444

    PUB. DATE: July 19, 2016 (first published in 1885)

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