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The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity

Leon J. Podles

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The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity

Leon J. Podles


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  • In all the discussion of women’s roles in the Church, we’ve ignored a pressing question:

    Why don’t men go to church anymore?

    Why are the most common traits of the modern Church doves and quilts and little old ladies? Dr. Leon Podles documents the current feminized state of the Western Church, the masculine traits that once characterized Christianity, and how they can be restored.

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    While the masculine exodus from churches is dangerous for the Church, it is also dangerous for society as a whole. Masculinity will out. Detached from Christianity, it …

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  • Leon J. Podles earned his bachelor’s degree at Providence College and his doctorate in English at the University of Virginia. He later studied Old Icelandic at the University of Iceland. He has worked as a teacher and federal investigator and has written for numerous journals, including America, the American Spectator, Crisis, and the American Enterprise. He is a contributing editor of Touchstone. He is president of Crossland Foundation, …

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