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The Baptized Body

Peter Leithart

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The Baptized Body

Peter Leithart


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  • The best stories subtly weave themes and characters and symbols into a stunning final tapestry. In this Canon Press bestseller, Leithart shows that the Bible is the best story.

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    What does baptism do to the baptized? Nothing? Something? In this study, Peter Leithart examines this single question of baptismal efficacy. He challenges several common but false assumptions about God, man, the church, salvation, and more that confuse discussions about baptism. He aims to offer a careful and simple discussion of all the central biblical texts that speak to us about baptism, the nature of signs and rites, the character of the church as the body of Christ, and the possibility of apostasy. In the end, the author urges us to face up to the wonderful conclusion that Scripture attributes an astonishing power to the initiation rite of baptism.

  • Peter Leithart (PhD, Cambridge) is President of Theopolis Institute in Birmingham, Alabama and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. He is the author of numerous books on theology and literature, including The Baptized Body, Against Christianity, Brightest Heaven of Invention, and Ascent to Love . He has also authored articles in journals such as Pro Ecclesia, Journal of Biblical …

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