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The American Way: Family and Community in the Shaping of the American Identity

Allan C. Carlson

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The American Way: Family and Community in the Shaping of the American Identity

Allan C. Carlson


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  • People think that the story of America is the story of American individualism, thrift, and business. However, we almost never hear about how the family was central to the "American Way."

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    In this short but gripping story about the family in twentieth century America, historian Allan Carlson describes how the family was central to public policy and to our national identity. From the activism of Theodore Roosevelt and the maternalists to the family values that made it possible for Germans to integrate successfully as Americans, …

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  • Allan C. Carlson a scholar and professor of history at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan. He is the president of the Howard Center, a director of the Family in America Studies Center, the International Secretary of the World Congress of Families and editor of the Family in America newsletter. He is also former president of the Rockford Institute and the author of many books including The American Way .

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