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Table Grace

Grace Agenda

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Table Grace

Grace Agenda


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  • Table Grace Audio Download

    Ladies' Seminar with the Femina Girls We often forget that the table is where the action is. So much of our fellowship, teaching, training, and loving happens around our tables.

    This year's conference will explore some of the issues that can hinder or help us as we feed our friends and families at a table of grace.


    1. HOT PROVIDENCE | Rachel Jankovic

    2. FOOD GUILT | Bekah Merkle

    3. HOME BASE | Heather Wilson

    4. SABBATH LEGACY | Nancy Wilson

    5. Q&A | The Femina Girls

  • Table Grace Audio Download

    Ladies' Seminar with the Femina Girls We often forget that the table is where the action is. So much of our fellowship, teaching, training, and loving happens around our tables.

    This year's conference will explore some of the issues that can hinder or help us as we feed our friends and families at a table of grace.


    1. HOT PROVIDENCE | Rachel Jankovic

    2. FOOD GUILT | Bekah Merkle …

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