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Remy Wilkins

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Remy Wilkins


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  • What if you were attacked by something you didn't believe in?

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    Rodney, abandoned by his mother at his weird uncle Ray's, encounters a demon named Birthless and must figure out his uncle's secret while preserving himself, his newfound friends, and a sleepy Alabama town from destruction. Strays is an unusual YA adventure story that's part C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters and part Tom Sawyer . The focus of the book isn't on simple lessons, but is instead the story of a lonely boy realizing …

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  • Remy Wilkins was born on one side of the Mississippi River and lives on the other. He teaches at Geneva Academy in Monroe, Louisiana, and he writes at home where his wife paints and his five boys raise a ruckus.

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    IMPRINT: Canonball Books

    GENRE: Middle Grade (Grades 4-9)

    AUTHOR: Remy Wilkins

    ISBN-10: 1947644009

    ISBN-13: …

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