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Smiling at Slander

Canon Press

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Smiling at Slander

Canon Press

$81.89 $81.89

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  • NOTE : If you saw the email for this, you may notice books are missing here. The original bundle sold out, so this bundle was modified to still give that toolkit for clear thinking this Christmas.

    A toolkit for clear thinking, seeing the world for its richness, and keeping the Bible as the bedrock of every corner of your life.

    A Justice Primer

    Christians should know that social justice internet mobs are a far cry from truly Biblical justice that accords with God’s law. But we don’t. Biblical justice requires multiple witnesses, matching stories, and …

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  • NOTE : If you saw the email for this, you may notice books are missing here. The original bundle sold out, so this bundle was modified to still give that toolkit for clear thinking this Christmas.

    A toolkit for clear thinking, seeing the world for its richness, and keeping the Bible as the bedrock of every corner of your life.

    A Justice Primer

    Christians should know that social justice internet mobs are a …

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