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Shepherding Young People

Douglas Wilson

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Shepherding Young People

Douglas Wilson


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  • Shepherding Young People

    As children enter their pre-teen and teenage years, parents face the challenge of learning how to encourage and direct their kids without pushing them away. Shepherding Young People, a six-part sermon series by Douglas Wilson, discusses several aspects of this challenge, including tough issues like loving and teaching teenagers and setting biblical standards. Along the way, Wilson exposes common myths about dealing with older children, turning parents' attention to the always-current wisdom of Scripture. For parents who want to do more than "survive" these years, there is great hope. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Loving Your Teenager

    2. Teaching Your Teenager

    3. Standards for Teenagers

    4. Recovering Lost Ground

    5. Lies About Teenagers

    6. The Facts of Life

  • Shepherding Young People

    As children enter their pre-teen and teenage years, parents face the challenge of learning how to encourage and direct their kids without pushing them away. Shepherding Young People, a six-part sermon series by Douglas Wilson, discusses several aspects of this challenge, including tough issues like loving and teaching teenagers and setting biblical standards. Along the way, Wilson exposes common myths about dealing …

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