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She Provides Food for Her Household

Canon Press

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She Provides Food for Her Household

Canon Press

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  • Proverbs 31:15

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    Sabbath means rest for your family, and if anything is needed in the frantic, fast-paced modern world, it is rest .

    Sundays are feast days. But sometimes, that's awfully hard to remember. We often get too busy trying to keep track of all the rest of our obligations and restrictions. Yet, as Stuart Bryan explains, this is not the emphasis of Scripture. The Lord's Day is a day of freedom, a day defined by thanksgiving—for God's grace, for the opportunities to share that grace with others, …

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  • Proverbs 31:15

    Click "Read More" below to learn more about the bundle.

    Sabbath means rest for your family, and if anything is needed in the frantic, fast-paced modern world, it is rest .

    Sundays are feast days. But sometimes, that's awfully hard to remember. We often get too busy trying to keep track of all the rest of our obligations and restrictions. Yet, as Stuart Bryan explains, this is not the emphasis of …

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