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Seven Deadly Sins

Douglas Wilson

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Seven Deadly Sins

Douglas Wilson


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  • Seven Deadly Sins

    This is a hard-hitting sermon series and a kick in the teeth for young or old men. Wilson outlines the causes and characteristics of the classic seven deadly sins and teaches on the biblical means of rooting them out of the Christian life. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Sloth

    2. Covetousness

    3. Anger

    4. Lust

    5. Gluttony

    6. Envy

    7. Pride

  • Seven Deadly Sins

    This is a hard-hitting sermon series and a kick in the teeth for young or old men. Wilson outlines the causes and characteristics of the classic seven deadly sins and teaches on the biblical means of rooting them out of the Christian life. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Sloth

    2. Covetousness

    3. Anger

    4. Lust

    5. Gluttony

    6. Envy

    7. Pride

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