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Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

Douglas Wilson

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Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

Douglas Wilson


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  • "Our secular culture is redefining marriage because the church first showed the way by redefining love."

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    Obergefell v. Hodges and the legalization of gay marriage was wonderful—in that it's now forcing every Christian to decide whether their allegiance is to the Supreme Court or to the Supreme Being. In every other way, Obergefell was terrible. Same-Sex Mirage starts with the fundamentals of marriage and then traces the effects of this foundational institution in every area of life. Is marriage a private matter—an agreement before God alone? Or …

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  • Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Evangellyfish , Rules for Reformers , and Flags Out Front .

    AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

    PAGE COUNT: 292 pages

    SIZE: 5.25x8"

    ISBN 10: 1944503269

    ISBN-13: 9781944503260

    PUB. DATE: April 19, 2016

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