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Reforming Marriage Conference

Douglas Wilson

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Reforming Marriage Conference

Douglas Wilson


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  • Reforming Marriage Conference

    In this series, Doug and Nancy Wilson aim to help husbands and wives rethink and relive marriage in new categories, especially focusing on the biblical realities of covenant and sacrifice. This conference was recorded at recorded at Providence Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Federal Marriage - Doug Wilson

    2. Love Your Wives - Doug Wilson

    3. Vocational Homemaking & Respect - Nancy Wilson

    4. Keeping Short Accounts - Doug Wilson

    5. Love & Lovemaking: Men - Doug Wilson

    6. Love & Lovemaking: Women - Nancy Wilson

    7. Communication - Doug Wilson

  • Reforming Marriage Conference

    In this series, Doug and Nancy Wilson aim to help husbands and wives rethink and relive marriage in new categories, especially focusing on the biblical realities of covenant and sacrifice. This conference was recorded at recorded at Providence Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Federal Marriage - Doug Wilson

    2. Love Your Wives - Doug Wilson

    3. Vocational …

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