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Popes and Feminists: How the Reformation Frees Women from Feminism

Elise Crapuchettes

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Popes and Feminists: How the Reformation Frees Women from Feminism

Elise Crapuchettes


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  • Is being a wife and mother a "holy" calling for Christians? Roman Catholics at the time of the Reformation and contemporary feminists would both say No.

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    Before the time of the Reformation, in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, a wife or mother was not a holy vocation. The only spiritual calling for women was to be found in a convent. The Reformers confronted the bad theology which lead to this (and other worse abuses, like priest-patronized brothels) and returned to the …

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  • Elise Crapuchettes grew up in Mississippi and Texas, graduated with a BA from Baylor, and earned a joint JD/MTS at Duke. She always intended to marry a serious academic with an easy last name. Instead, God gave her an indomitably fun-loving businessman with a memorable last name. Andrew transplanted her to Idaho, where Elise stays home with their five fantastic kids and tries to transform their wild hillside into a formal southern garden. …

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