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Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education

Douglas Wilson

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Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education

Douglas Wilson


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  • Thirty years ago, Doug Wilson wrote Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning so that Christian parents could stop wringing their hands at the deterioration of American education and actually do something to resist it.

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    That resistance begins with getting our children out of public secular schools, but it doesn't end there. We must also give our kids a thoroughly biblical education with the lordship of Jesus Christ at …

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  • Douglas Wilson has been the pastor for Christ Church for over forty years and is a father of three and grandfather of seventeen. He has helped found many educational institutions such as New Saint Andrews College, Logos School, and Greyfriars Hall. He has written other books on education, such as The Case for Classical Christian Education, Excused Absence, and The Paideia of God .

    AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson


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