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Plowing in Hope: Towards a Biblical Theology of Culture

David Hegeman

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Plowing in Hope: Towards a Biblical Theology of Culture

David Hegeman


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  • If salvation is comprehensive, then Jesus is in the process of transforming each culture, not helicoptering believers out. What does this look like?

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    Christians often view culture as either a worthless distraction from spiritual matters like evangelism, prayer, and our relationship with God or as something that is basically neutral and which Christians can consume unthinkingly. Against all this, David Hegeman argues that salvation is comprehensive. Salvation does not just include changing one's beliefs …

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  • David Hegeman resides in Newburg, Oregon, with his wife and four children. He studied art history at the University of Pittsburgh and Oberlin College. He works as a librarian and enjoys watercolor painting. He is a member of the OPC.

    AUTHOR: David Hegeman

    PAGE COUNT: 128 pages

    SIZE: 7x10"

    BINDING: Paperback

    ISBN 10: 1591280494

    ISBN-13: 9781591280491

    PUB. DATE: December 18, 2007

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