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Ploductivity: A Practical Theology of Work and Wealth

Douglas Wilson

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Ploductivity: A Practical Theology of Work and Wealth

Douglas Wilson


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  • Plod, don't sprint. Be fruitful like a tree, not efficient like a machine.

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    In this book, Douglas Wilson both considers the theology behind technology, work, and mission and advice on how to be productive—and to think about productivity—in the digital age.

    We should not rush to buy each and every new iPhone or fancy new gadget, but neither should we reject the new technology out of nostalgia for the good ol' days when people worked with their hands or starved. Instead, we are called to see modern technology as wealth and tools that we can use, whether for good or for ill. The key is wisdom and the ability to create the right habits and the regular discipline to use what we have been given.

    Ploductivity: n, 1) the practice of plodding away at a pile of work, instead of frantically trying to sprint through it all
    2) being stable and graceful, like a buffalo upon the plains, not frantic, like a prairie dog or roadrunner

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  • Douglas Wilson is author of more than one hundred books and has been a pastor for forty years. He is also the founder of a K-12 school Logos School, liberal arts college New Saint Andrews, the CREC denomination, and the ACCS, an international classical education organization. Doug blogs prolifically at and posts his annual reading log here . He has been married to Nancy for more than forty years, and they have …

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