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Penguin Sets Sail

Jessica Linn Evans

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Penguin Sets Sail

Jessica Linn Evans


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  • Set sail with Penguin in this lovable wordless picture book about friendship, home, and the high seas.

    Penguin dreams of being a sea captain, but the other penguins only think about fish. So Penguin sets sail alone in search of friends and treasure galore. However, the ocean is big and dangerous, and Penguin may find himself wishing for home even in the middle of his great adventure.

    Canonball Books is the children's imprint of Canon Press. At Canonball, we believe stories are soul food, so you can expect excitement, danger, loyalty, …

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  • Jessica Linn Evans is an author and illustrator who lives in Idaho with her husband, her four delightful children, a bunny, and seven chickens. Penguin Sets Sail is her first wordless picture book. She has also illustrated other books including Solar the Polar , Waiting Through Winter , and Little Mouse Finds a Friend . All her illustrations are rendered with traditional mediums: watercolor, graphite, and …

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