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Parenting Young People

Douglas Wilson

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Parenting Young People

Douglas Wilson


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  • Parenting Young People is an audio download of a two part sermon series.

    How can parents communicate contagious love for Christian standards? In the first sermon, Pastor Wilson describes how parents should teach young people to love the standard. He discusses the differences between obedience driven by external rules, and obedience arising from personal loyalty and love. And when a kid lacks that loyalty, faithful parents should counterintuitively lower the standard. In the second sermon, Pastor Wilson cautions against authoritative folly and parents who are not open to true accountability. Faithful parents must require obedience for the child's sake, not for theirs.

  • Parenting Young People is an audio download of a two part sermon series.

    How can parents communicate contagious love for Christian standards? In the first sermon, Pastor Wilson describes how parents should teach young people to love the standard. He discusses the differences between obedience driven by external rules, and obedience arising from personal loyalty and love. And when a kid lacks that loyalty, faithful parents should — …

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