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Brave Ollie Possum

Ethan Nicolle

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Brave Ollie Possum

Ethan Nicolle


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  • Ollie must learn to be brave or end up a bowl of soup.

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    Ollie Mackerelli is determined to face his fear of the dark once and for all, but he gets more than he bargained for when his therapist turns out to be an actual monster. To make it even worse, Ollie is transformed from a boy to a possum and locked in a cage.

    With no way to call for help, Ollie must learn to be brave (with the help of some furry friends) or he …

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  • Ethan Nicolle is the author and illustrator of several kids' comics including the award-winning Axe Cop, which he created with his little brother. He has also been a screenwriter for multiple television shows on Fox , Netflix , and Cartoon Network . He lives in Rancho Cucamonga, CA with his wife, kids, and various pets. Brave Ollie Possum is his first children's novel.

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