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Makers of History: Nero

Jacob Abbott

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Makers of History: Nero

Jacob Abbott


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  • Nero! The name is both a shame and a shudder.

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    Get ready to be hooked by the complete story of his life—and learn about one of history's most famous emperors at the same time! In his life we are presented with an astonishing picture of human greed, cunning, and selfishness at its worst. And thanks to his prominent position, Nero's example of monstrosity has stood as a lesson and a warning to all men since. Born of Agrippina, of whom only such a son was worthy, he ran the gamut of every human crime and folly, making the Roman Empire minister to his atrocities. When he died, escaping human vengeance at the end, he lamented that so splendid a genius should have to pass away.

    This thrilling biography—written by Jacob Abbott and newly edited for younger readers—offers a glimpse into the life of this spoiled prince who became a royal monster.

    Nero is part of Makers of History , a 19th century biography series by two brothers—Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Reprinted by Canon Press, these biographies have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history.

  • Jacob Abbott was an American writer of children's books. He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. He wrote 180 books and was a coauthor or editor of 31 more. He died in Farmington, Maine, where he had spent part of his time after 1839, and where his brother, Samuel Phillips Abbott, founded the Abbott School.

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