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Mothers and Daughters

Nancy Wilson

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Mothers and Daughters

Nancy Wilson


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  • Mothers and Daughters: Growing into Wise Women Together

    As daughters become teens, they begin to transition in their relationship to their mothers--from child to close friend. Sound surprising? Nancy Wilson describes the joys that come as mothers and daughters grow as sisters in the Lord, encouraging one another to embrace biblical femininity. Infinitely practical, this four-part series cultivates a high view of a woman's calling and canvasses a broad range of topics, including what it means to live nobly, the importance of being quick to listen, internalizing standards, and the wisdom of not taking things personally. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Polished Cornerstones

    2. Communication

    3. Personal Standards of Holiness

    4. Teaching Our Daughters the Role of Women

  • Mothers and Daughters: Growing into Wise Women Together

    As daughters become teens, they begin to transition in their relationship to their mothers--from child to close friend. Sound surprising? Nancy Wilson describes the joys that come as mothers and daughters grow as sisters in the Lord, encouraging one another to embrace biblical femininity. Infinitely practical, this four-part series cultivates a high view of a woman's calling and …

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