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Mother Kirk: Essays on Church Life

Douglas Wilson

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Mother Kirk: Essays on Church Life

Douglas Wilson


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  • What does it mean to be a faithful pastor? Find out what forty-year pastor Douglas Wilson's thoughts are.

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    Modern evangelicals have gained money, power, and influence, and it has been like giving whiskey to a two-year-old. The need of the hour is theological, not political. The arena is the pulpit and the table, not the legislative chamber. Before we are equipped to proclaim His lordship to the inhabitants of all the earth, we …

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  • Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage , Future Men , and How to Exasperate Your Wife .

    AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson

    PAGE COUNT: 304 pages

    SIZE: 5.50x8.50"

    BINDING: Paperback

    ISBN 10: 1885767722

    ISBN-13: 9781885767721

    PUB. DATE: June 7, 2001

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