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Let the Stones Cry Out

Douglas Wilson

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Let the Stones Cry Out

Douglas Wilson


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  • "Architecture speaks. It is not possible for human beings to live in architectural silence. When congregations build church buildings, this is either a testimony or a mask." ~ Let the Stones Cry Out

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    Today we see many magnificent old church buildings abandoned because the Gospel went out of them long ago. However, good architecture and the proclamation of the Gospel should go hand in hand.

    Jesus Christ by his death on the cross made the kingdoms of this world His. The architecture of our church buildings should proclaim His lordship.

    In Let the Stones Cry Out , Douglas Wilson reflects on what a Christian church should look like, and how human nature wants to get it wrong. A glorious building without the gospel will soon be empty, and an ugly building is lying about the nature of our salvation.

    From fundraising to the first Sunday, Douglas Wilson provides much-needed wisdom on how to go about building a church and filling it so as to expand greatly the opportunities for ministry, locally and nationally. After all, worshipping God is not a means to another end. Worshipping God is the highest calling that any human being has. It requires no other justification.

  • Douglas Wilson is the minister of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, which is a member of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). He is a Senior Fellow of theology at New St. Andrews College and the author of numerous books, including Reforming Marriage, The Case for Classical Christian Education, and When the Man Comes Around . He and his wife Nancy have three children and a horde of grandchildren. …

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