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Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

Nancy Wilson

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Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age

Nancy Wilson


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  • Contentment is not a boring virtue, it is a miracle and a mystery .

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    We tend to think being "stressed out" is a normal state of affairs, and that contentment means sitting back and just bottling things up. For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance, because anxiety and frustration are not neutral behaviors.

    It is certainly easier to …

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  • Nancy Wilson has been a pastor's wife and homemaker in Moscow, Idaho for more than thirty years. She is the author of a number of books including True Companion, Building Her House, The Fruit of Her Hands, and Praise Her in the Gates , and a regular contributor to She and her husband Douglas have three children and seventeen grandchildren, which makes for some crazy Sabbath dinners. …

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