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Huguenot Garden

Douglas Jones

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Huguenot Garden

Douglas Jones


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  • What would you do if your family were persecuted by the government? How do you live and love one another?

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    Huguenot Garden is a children's story of the daily and adventurous episodes in the lives of Rene and Albret Martineau, young twin sisters in a seventeeth-century, French Protestant family. This entertaining but moving story follows the twins and the rest of the Martineau family as they work, worship, commune, and suffer persecution together. This short novel by Douglas Jones aims to portray the ideas and …

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  • What would you do if your family were persecuted by the government? How do you live and love one another?

    Look Inside the Book or Listen on Audible *

    Huguenot Garden is a children's story of the daily and adventurous episodes in the lives of Rene and Albret Martineau, young twin sisters in a seventeeth-century, French Protestant family. This entertaining but moving story follows the twins and the rest of the …

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