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How to Be Free From Bitterness and Other Essays on Christian Relationships

Jim Wilson

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How to Be Free From Bitterness and Other Essays on Christian Relationships

Jim Wilson


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  • Bitterness often grows out of a small offense: perhaps a passing word, an accidental slight, or a pair of dirty socks left in the middle of the living room floor.

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    Yet when bitterness takes root in our hearts, its effects are anything but small. "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." (Heb. 12:15)

    In this collection of short articles, Jim Wilson and others discuss what it means to live as "imitators of God." As the …

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  • Jim Wilson has been a pastor, counselor, and the director of Community Christian Ministries in Moscow, Idaho, for over forty years. Before that, he served as a naval officer for nine years and worked with Officers’ Christian Fellowship for twelve years. Jim has authored several books, including Principles of War: A Handbook on Strategic Evangelism, Taking Men Alive, Weapons & Tactics, and Being Christian . He is a father …

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