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Horton and Wilson Discuss the Federal Vision (Audio Download)

Douglas Wilson

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Horton and Wilson Discuss the Federal Vision (Audio Download)

Douglas Wilson


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  • Horton and Wilson Discuss the Federal Vision

    St. Anne's Public House (Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 2004)

    Interviewed on St. Anne's Public House, Douglas Wilson and Michael Horton talk about Sacraments, Justification, the nature of Law and Gospel, and Covenant Theology. This charitable discussion opens the way for further dialog by clearing away many perceived areas of disagreement.

  • Horton and Wilson Discuss the Federal Vision

    St. Anne's Public House (Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 2004)

    Interviewed on St. Anne's Public House, Douglas Wilson and Michael Horton talk about Sacraments, Justification, the nature of Law and Gospel, and Covenant Theology. This charitable discussion opens the way for further dialog by clearing away many perceived areas of disagreement.

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