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Growing Up Christian

Douglas Wilson

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Growing Up Christian

Douglas Wilson


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  • Growing Up Christian

    Teach your children to trust in Jesus Christ, not to doubt Him! God's normal design for children (contra our unbelieving blindness) includes being raised in a Christian home, with the whole household believing all of God's promises. This four-part series directed toward children gives biblical instruction regarding temptations, apostasy, and vocation. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Growing Up Christian is Normal

    2. Temptations Within the Faith

    3. Temptations Away from the Faith

    4. Using God's Tools

  • Growing Up Christian

    Teach your children to trust in Jesus Christ, not to doubt Him! God's normal design for children (contra our unbelieving blindness) includes being raised in a Christian home, with the whole household believing all of God's promises. This four-part series directed toward children gives biblical instruction regarding temptations, apostasy, and vocation. The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Growing Up …

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