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From the River to the Ends of Earth

Douglas Wilson

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From the River to the Ends of Earth

Douglas Wilson


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  • Throughout Scripture, we find many promises which God has made to His people, Israel.

    Zechariah 9:10 describes the reign of Christ as extending "from the river to the ends of the earth." Israel will cease to be merely a national people and will become a nation of nations, spreading like leaven through the whole of creation. This eight-part series offers a biblical basis for believing that the Gospel will spread and bear fruit throughout the earth. These sermons will challenge rival millennial schemes and deepen your understanding of postmillennialism.

    The following topics are included in this set :

    1. Savior of the World

    2. Triumph of the Cross

    3. New Heavens & New Earth

    4. Character of the Kingdom

    5. Hermeneutics

    6. The Context of the Book of Revelation

    7. The Fulfillment of Matthew 24

    8. The Centrality of Christ

  • Throughout Scripture, we find many promises which God has made to His people, Israel.

    Zechariah 9:10 describes the reign of Christ as extending "from the river to the ends of the earth." Israel will cease to be merely a national people and will become a nation of nations, spreading like leaven through the whole of creation. This eight-part series offers a biblical basis for believing that the Gospel will spread and bear fruit throughout the …

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