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Forbidden Child

Gwen Newell

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Forbidden Child

Gwen Newell


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  • "I belong to the Godmother."

    Piper Pascal has spent her life on the Escape , a city-sized cruise liner holding all that's left of America. She does not remember the world before the Flood. All she knows is that she'll do anything to please the Godmother, the head of the Escape , the only parent Piper has ever really had.

    "I will report all crime, my own and my neighbor's."

    Since age six, Piper has been a spy for the Godmother's cult of secret police. Food, friendships, sleep, population--- the Godmother controls it all. If you disobey, Piper will catch you. …

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  • Gwen Newell was born in Germany, raised in Florida, and transplanted to the Pacific Northwest where she pretends she's still by the ocean as much as she can. She wrote her first story at age seven, and hasn't stopped writing since. She now lives with her husband, Ben, in a wee house on a hill where they await the birth of their first child.

    IMPRINT: Canonball Books

    GENRE: Middle Grade (Grades 4-9)

    AUTHOR: Gwen Newell …

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