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Five Children and It

Canon Classics

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Five Children and It

Canon Classics


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  • “Don't you know a Sand-fairy when you see one?"

    It looked so grieved and hurt that Jane hastened to say, "Of course I see you are, now. It's quite plain now one comes to look at you."

    "You came to look at me, several sentences ago,” ~ Five Children and It

    Look Inside the Book

    One day Robert, Anthea, Jane, Cyril, and Lamb find a rather grouchy sand fairy called a Psammead. It says that they can get five wishes from it, but each wish will all turn to stone at sunset. As everyone knows, wishes aren’t as easy as they look, and what with accidental wishes, unforeseen consequences, and good old-fashioned bad luck, the children soon find themselves having the time of their lives.

  • IMPRINT: Canonball Books

    AUTHOR: Edith Nesbit

    INTRODUCTION: Brian Marr

    PAGE COUNT: 232 pages

    SIZE: 5.5x8.5"

    BINDING: Paperback

    ISBN 10: 1952410983

    ISBN-13: 9781952410987

    PUB. DATE: April 26, 2022 (first published in 1902)

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