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Feminine Modesty

Douglas Wilson

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Feminine Modesty

Douglas Wilson


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  • Clothes are symbols. What we wear, speaks.

    This sermon series asks about the meaning of clothing, especially for young women, within the challenges of contemporary life. It outlines a picture of biblical modesty that embraces beauty while avoiding legalistic prudery.

    The following topics are included in this set:

    1. A Theology of Modesty

    2. A Definition of Modesty

    3. Preparing the Conscience

    4. How to Confront

  • Clothes are symbols. What we wear, speaks.

    This sermon series asks about the meaning of clothing, especially for young women, within the challenges of contemporary life. It outlines a picture of biblical modesty that embraces beauty while avoiding legalistic prudery.

    The following topics are included in this set:

    1. A Theology of Modesty

    2. A Definition of Modesty

    3. Preparing the Conscience

    4. How to Confront

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