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Douglas Wilson

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Douglas Wilson


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  • The great Hebrew philosopher who wrote this book calls us back to joy: a joy that thinks, a joy that does not shrivel under the glare of hard questions.

    He calls us to meditation, but a meditation that does not despair. And as he points out repeatedly, only believers can enjoy the vanity that surrounds us on every side.

    The following topics are included in this set :

    1. An Introduction to the Book

    2. The Meaning of Vanity

    3. A Taste of Nothing

    4. Joy at the End of the Tether

    5. Beautiful in its Time

    6. The Silence of Despair

    7. The Sacrifice of Fools

    8. Tiny Souls in Tight Shoes

    9. Walking in the Corridors of Power

    10. Loving Your Wife

    11. Use Your Head

    12. Falling Apart

  • The great Hebrew philosopher who wrote this book calls us back to joy: a joy that thinks, a joy that does not shrivel under the glare of hard questions.

    He calls us to meditation, but a meditation that does not despair. And as he points out repeatedly, only believers can enjoy the vanity that surrounds us on every side.

    The following topics are included in this set :

    1. An Introduction to the Book

    2. The Meaning of Vanity

    3. A …

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