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Early Church Biographies

Ministerial Conference

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Early Church Biographies

Ministerial Conference


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  • Eighth Annual Credenda/Agenda History Conference (2003)

    The history of the early Church sometimes seems remote and irrelevant. It was anything but. Filled with essential controversies, fascinating saints, and intense devotion to Christ Jesus, the early Church helped shape Christendom in the following millennia.

    In this set, the speakers tell the stories of great men in the early Church and their lasting heritage for Christians. The following lectures are included in this set:

    1. Ignatius of Antioch (c.55-107) - George Grant

    2. Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373) - Steve Wilkins

    3. Gregory the Great - Douglas Wilson

    4. Ambrose of Milan - Steve Wilkins

    5. Basil of Caesarea (330-379) - George Grant

    6. John Chrysostom (347-407) - Douglas Wilson

    7. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) - Steve Wilkins

    8. Jerome of Bethlehem (340-420) - George Grant

    9. Constantine the Great - Douglas Wilson

    10. Boniface of Crediton (c.675-754) - George Grant

  • Eighth Annual Credenda/Agenda History Conference (2003)

    The history of the early Church sometimes seems remote and irrelevant. It was anything but. Filled with essential controversies, fascinating saints, and intense devotion to Christ Jesus, the early Church helped shape Christendom in the following millennia.

    In this set, the speakers tell the stories of great men in the early Church and their lasting heritage for Christians. The …

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