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The Dominion Bundle

Canon Press

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The Dominion Bundle

Canon Press

$55.85 $55.85

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  • God calls men to take dominion. But what does that look like?

    Dominion is a huge word—one so vast that comprehending it takes a lifetime—but it is vital that we start on that path to maturity. The Dominion Bundle features three new releases on this pivotal topic:

    Despite it being the first command in the Bible, most men don’t know what “filling the earth and subduing it” means on the practical level beyond “I need a wife so I can get started.” It's Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity shows how this late-blooming approach to dominion fails …

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  • God calls men to take dominion. But what does that look like?

    Dominion is a huge word—one so vast that comprehending it takes a lifetime—but it is vital that we start on that path to maturity. The Dominion Bundle features three new releases on this pivotal topic:

    Despite it being the first command in the Bible, most men don’t know what “filling the earth and subduing it” means on the practical level beyond “I need a wife …

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