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A Different Shade of Green: A Biblical Approach to Environmentalism and the Dominion Mandate

Gordon Wilson

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A Different Shade of Green: A Biblical Approach to Environmentalism and the Dominion Mandate

Gordon Wilson


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  • We have been shockingly bad at usin g our Bibles and our brains when it comes to conservation and the environment. Unhinged environmentalism is not the answer, but neither are ignorance and apathy. It’s time for something different.

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    Christian responsibility for the natural world goes back to the very beginning, when God commanded us to …

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  • Look Inside the Book

    Dr. Gordon Wilson is Senior Fellow of Natural History at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, and has also taught a wide array of biology courses at Liberty University. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University in 2003. Gordon is the author of the biology textbook The Riot and the Dance and is featured in the nature …

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